What is a “gang sheet”?

A gang sheet is a term used to describe several sublimation images or DTF images on a single sheet. For custom sublimation prints, one can choose from an 8.5” x 11” sheet or a 13” x 19” sheet. The concept is basically, fit as many images as you want, or can onto a single sheet. For example: A “ganged” 13” x 19" sublimation sheet can contain four 6” x 9” images on it, (two images on top, two images beneath, either all identical images, or four completely different images.


DTF “gang sheets” submitted must be 22” x 24” . Same concept of; fit as many as you can on a 22” x 24” sheet. 
(Below is a sample of a “ganged” 22” x 24” sheet)